Compare and contrast between the characters of Mr. & Mrs. Mohon Lal. - Karma - Class 11 English Suggestion 2022
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Compare and contrast between the characters of Mr. & Mrs. Mohon Lal. - Karma - Class 11 English Suggestion 2022

 Class 11 English Suggestion 2022



Q:- Compare and contrast between the characters of Mr. & Mrs. Mohon Lal.

Ans:- In the short story "Karma" by Khushwant Singh, Mr. & Mrs. Mohan Lal are diametrically Antoninus with each other, though they are couple to say.

     Sir Mohan Lal is one of the main characters of the story who has a degree from the Oxford University. He is a vizier, a barrister. He always maintain aristocratic manner in his lifestyle. He appeared to be rich, dignified, cultured, handsome with neatly trimmed moustache. He wears suit from Saville Row with the Balliol tie. He speaks English fluently just like an Englishman and Hindi rarely. He likes to read the newspaper "The Times" and drinks whiskey. He has immense hatred towards his motherland and each and everything associated with it. Overproud as well as arrigant Sir Mohan Lal also hates his native wife and her poor relatives.

     On the otherhand, Sir Mohan Lal's wife Lachmi is an ordinary Hindustani woman who is simple and illiterate. She is short built, fat, native woman of middle forties who travels in inter class Zenana Compartment. She puts on simple white saree with red border. She doesn't know English. She chews betel leaves as well as feels at home with the people of her own circle.

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