Higher Secondary ABTA Test Paper 2023 English Page 56 Answer
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Higher Secondary ABTA Test Paper 2023 English Page 56 Answer

HS ABTA Test Paper 2023 English Page 56 Answer

hs abta test paper 2022-23 English page 56 solved
hs abta test paper 2022-23 English page 56 solved

1. (a) Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct options from the alternatives provided :

(i) The carriage wheels changed their - sound and rhythm

(ii) Abdul Kalam was a short boy with - undistinguished

(iii) The Tsar helped the hermit by - digging the ground for him

(iv) 'Half - Nelson' is associated with the games of - Wrestling

(b) Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided :

(i) The soldier's innocence is described through a simile - his smile is innocent

(ii) Shakespeare's young friend is more lovely and temperate than the - summer's day

(iii) The silence in 'The Poetry of Earth' has been wrought by - frost

(iv) 'Earth-cave' is created when the tree is - uprooted

(c) Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided :

(i) The price which Lomov fixed for Squeezer was - 25 roubles

(ii) According to Lomov, Chubukov's mother was - hump-backed

(iii) Lomov feels a twitch in his right - eye-brow

(iv) Natalya compares Lomov's dog to a - horse

2. (a) Answer any four of the following questions :

(i) What was the price of the cake the boy was given a part of in 'Thank You Mam'?

Ans: The price of the cake which the boy was given a part of in "Thank You Ma'am was ten cent.

(ii) What did Roger hear when he entered the house of Mrs. Jones?

Ans: Roger heared other roomers laughing and talking when he entered the house of Mrs. Jones.

(iii) Where was the chanted upon water taken in 'Strong Roots'?

Ans: People offered bowls of water to Kalam's father outside the mosque. After that People carried the water home for the invalids.

(iv) How long did the Tsar dig the beds?

Ans: The Tsar dig the beds till the sun went down behind the trees.

(v) What did the Tsar bring for the wounded man?

Ans: The Tsar brought fresh water to drink for the wounded man.

(vi) Where, according to the narrator, were hardly any animals left?

Ans: According to the narrator, there were hardly any animals left in the forests near Dehra.

(vii) What seemed to be tantalizing the narrator?

Ans: In Ruskin Bond's 'The Eyes Have It', we come to know that the girl was standing close to the narrator and the perfume from her hair was tantalising.

(viii) How did Kalam's father bring the coconuts from the grove?

Ans: Kalam's father brought coconuts from the grove carrying them slung over his shoulders.

(b) Answer any four of the following questions :

(i) What does the expression 'leprous hide' refer to?

Ans: "Leperous hide" refers to the discolored bark of the tree.

(ii) What kind of a task is to kill a tree?

Ans: According to the poet, by pulling the tree's roots completely out from the earth cave and then by scorching and chocking its matter in the sun and the air and ultimately by browning, hardening, twisting and withering it as well; thus the tree can be killed.

(iii) How does the stream move through the valley?

Ans: In the poem 'Asleep in the Valley,' the water flows slowly. A small green valley runs through the stream.

(iv) Where are the feet of soldier is 'Asleep in the valley'?

Ans: The feet of the soldier are placed among the flowers.

(v) What are the short comings of the summer in comparision to the poet's friend?

Ans: The beauty of Summer is subject to change, and it is rough and hot, while the beauty of the poet's friend is constat and immortal.

(vi) What, according to Shakepeare, will his friend not lose?

Ans: According to Sakespeare, his friend will never lose his fairness Even Death will never be able to bost by taking him in his shade.

(vii) What tires out the grasshopper?

Ans: The Grasshopper rests beneath some pleasant weed when it tires out with fun in keats' sonnet, The Poetry of Earth.

(viii) What brings warmth to the winter evening in Keats 'The Peotry of Earth.

Ans: In the poem "The Poetry of Earth", the shrill sound made by the Cricket brings warmth to winter evening.

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6. (a) Do as Directed :

(i) "Why don't you look out if the window"? I asked. (Turn into Indirect Speech)

Ans: I aasked why he hadn't took out of the window.

(ii) I did not know anyone else was here. (Change the voice)

Ans: It was not known by me that anyone else was here.

(iii) A man, getting into the compartment, stammered an apology. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans: A man was getteing into the compartment. He stmmered an apology.

(iv) October is the best time. (Change into a positive degree)

Ans: No other time is as good as October.

(v) It takes much time to kill a tree.(Rewrite as a negative sintence)

Ans: It does not take less time to kill a tree.

(vi) Nature keeps him warm. (use the noun form of 'Warm')

Ans: Nature keep him warmth.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions :

to, the, of, in, on
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(c) Correct the error in the following sentences.

I had not faint idea of the meaning of the Arabic prayer chanted. (Options: fainter/fainthy/fainest)
Ans: fainest

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