Character of Macbeth./Discuss how Macbeth gradually became a villain.
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Character of Macbeth./Discuss how Macbeth gradually became a villain.

 Class 11 English Suggestion 2022

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Q:- Character of Macbeth./Discuss how Macbeth gradually became a villain.

Ans:- In the story "Macbeth", the king of Scotland was Duncan. Macbeth was the Scottish general, tgane of Glamis as well as a near Kinsman to the king.

     In this present story shows how Macbeth became a villain, though he was not a skillful murderer. He had a conscience. Whenever he thought about the murder of Duncan, his inner self protested. But he was an ill fated person also. Influenced by Lady Macbeth's advise, he finally murder the king. But after that he was mentally tortured. Though he lamented for the brutal death of the king, he committed another sin by killing Banquo.

      It was said that all were happened with the influence of that three witchs with whom Macbeth and Duncan mate in the barren land. The incident gave birth the sense of guilt that robbed his sleep and peace. So we can call him a tragic hero who was turned into a villain by fate as well as the venomous conspirator circumstances.

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