WB Class 11 English Suggestion 2022 WBCHSE Download PDF Free
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WB Class 11 English Suggestion 2022 WBCHSE Download PDF Free

 Class 11 English Suggestion 2022 WBCHSE


1) The Sick Rose:-

a) Significance of title./Substance./Main Theme./Central Idea.

b) Discuss the poem as a song of experience./Symbolism.

c) Relation between rose and the worm.

d) "O Rose thou art sick."---/"The invisible worm,The flies in night."---/"Has"---/"And his dark...destroy."---

2) Meeting at Night:-

a) Significance of title./Substance./Main theme.

b) Use of imagery and symbolism in the poem./Describe the landscape./Describe how the force of relationship takes a man towards his coveted goal?

c) As a dramatic monologue./How does the poet discuss the aesthetic love?

d) "The grey sea and the long black land;"---/"...And the yellow half-moon large and low."---

e) "Then a appears;"---/"And a voice less loud,through its joys and fears."---

3) Daybreak:-

a) Significance of title./Substance.

b) Role of the wind in the poem./What does the wind do in the poem "Daybreak"?

c) Personification.

d) Comment on the ending of the poem./Discuss the sudden change at end of the poem.

e) "O mists,make room for me."---/"Ye mariners,the night is gone."---/"It quiet lie."---

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4 ) Upon The Westminster Bridge:-

a) Justify the title of the poem./Substance.

b) How is London described here in the poem?/As a romantic poem.

*** লাইন তুলে আলাদা আলাদা প্রশ্ন না করে বিষয়বস্তুটা ভালো করে পড়ে রাখলেই এই কবিতা থেকে লাইন তুলে যাই প্রশ্ন আসুক না কেন লিখতে পারবে।


a) Significance of title./Substance.

b) What message does the poem carry?

c) "Unknowing I understand : I too am written."---/"Little do I last and the night is enormous."---


1) Karma:-

a) Discuss Sir Mohon Lal's waiting in the first class waiting room./The Mirror scene./"You are a bit of all right, old chap."---

b) Compare and contrast between the characters of Mr. & Mrs. Mohon Lal.

c) Substance.

d) Describe the encounter of Mohon Lal with the English soldiers./How does Mr. Lal's feet touch the earth?/"Sir Mohon's feet...speech."---

e) Why was Lachmi unhappy in her married life?

2) Leela's Friend:-

a) Who is Sidda?What role does he play in the story?

b) Characters.

c) Briefly discuss the relationship between Leela and Sidda./"Day by day she clung closer to Sidda."---

d) "Sidda vanished into the night."---/"Sidda come and play."---/Describe Leela as Sidda's teacher.

e) "Sir do you want a servant?"---/"Sidda knows the moon."---/"Leela's mother picked up the chain."---

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3) Alias Jimmy Valentine:-

a) Characters.

b) How does love change Jimmy?/How does O'Henry establish a contrast between Jimmy & Ralph D. Spencer?

c) Comment on the ending of the story.

d) Relation between Jimmy & Annabel Adams.

*** কিছু লাইন তুলে প্রশ্ন আসতে পারে,যার জন্য বিষয়বস্তু খুটিয়ে পড়লেই হবে।

4) Nobel Lecture:-

a) What is the essence of the prayer of St. Francis Assist?

b) What were the remarks of Mother Teresa about abortion and how could the problem be solved by adoption?

c) According to Mother Teresa what is the greatest destroyer of peace today in the world?

d) What experience did Mother Teresa gather during her visit to an Old age Home in Calcutta?

e) Why did Mother Teresa mention the poor,homeless and street people as great people?

f) Describe Mother's extraordinary experience with a Hindu family in Calcutta.

g) How has Mother Teresa expressed through her "Noble Lecture" that human qualities do not depend on any religion?

*** লাইন তুলে প্রশ্ন আসলে বিষয়বস্তু ভালো করে পড়ে গুছিয়ে লিখতে হবে।

5) The Place of art in Education- Vision and Creation(Extract)

a) What are the different steps that can be taken for proper art education in normal educational procedure?

b) What are the two different forms if art?/What are the aims & objectives of art-education in our country?

c) What are the results of "the absence of sence of beauty" in our life?

d) What does the art education provide which literature doesn't?

e) Why doesn't the art education get the same valu as the other subjects in universities get?

f) What are the suggestions of the author for developing aesthetic sensibilities of students?

g) What is the result of the lack of art education in our country?What are the causes?

Class 11 suggestion...2

** Rapid Reader:-

1) Macbeth:-

a) Characters.

b) What did the witches say to Macbeth & Banquo?/How was the ambition of Macbeth spurred by the three witches?/"In future a man should...of witches."---

c) Why couldn't Lady Macbeth murder Duncan?

d) Describe the feelings of Macbeth as he went to murder Duncan?

e) What was the effect of the appearance of Banquo's ghost on Macbeth in the banquet?

2) Twelfth Night:-

a) Compare and contrast between Viola and Olivia.

b) How was the confusion of mistaken identity overcome?

c) Whom did Olivia marry and how?

*** বাকি তিনটি গল্প থেকে কেবল শর্ট প্রশ্ন পড়লেই হবে।

*** Grammar আর Writing প্রধান সাজেশন বইতে বিশদে আলোচনা করব।

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