Higher Secondary
Class 11
As you like it
Answer the following Questions :
Q : Bring out the significanceof the wrestling match./Who were the two participants of the wrestling match ? Whom did celia and Rosalind try to dissuade ? What Was the result ?
Q : After his banishment how did Duke senior spend his days in the Forest of Arden ?
Q : Give a character sketch of Rosalind.
Q : Assess the relationship between Rosalind and celia.
Q : Why did Orlando draw his sword and behave rudely with the banished Duke ?How did the Duke treat Orlando when he drew his sword.
Q : How did Rosalind win Orlando's heart ?
Q : How did old Adam prove his loyalty towards his master ?
Q : Describe the role of the Forest of Arden in 'As you like it'.
Q : Why and how did Orlando save oliver ?How did Oliver and Aliena fall in love with each other ?
Q : "When all the persons were eagerly waiting for a miracle to happen ..."- How did the miracle take place ? What was the miracle itself ?
Q : sketch the character of Orlando.
Q : What made Rosalind and Celia opt for a life of hardship in a forest, shedding a life of calm and comfort in the palace leaving aside their palace life ?
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